If you are an empath, there is a pretty good chance at least one of your children is also, and you’ll likely know exactly which one it is as you read that sentence…the child who easily cries, who seems to know exactly what the pets need, who comes up to you and hugs you when you know you’re upset but thought you were hiding it from everyone else, the one who suddenly has a meltdown, leaving you baffled as to why. Your child is on OVERLOAD.
You might be making great efforts to clear your energy on a regular basis, which is awesome for sure, but you probably haven’t realized how much you and your child are still bouncing back and forth between you. Maybe you’ve got a little one that is too young to understand about picking up energy/emotions from others, but they might know they suddenly feel like they are going to explode or feel extremely yucky. Either of those you could use for the “why” of doing this kid-appropriate energy clearing.
Remember the childhood song, “I’m a Little Teapot”? Think of how a teapot works. It’s merely the container for the tea, not intended to keep that tea as part of its structure once the tea is gone. Right? You and your child are like the teapot, just hanging out and holding the tea until it’s all poured out. But with energy, no one is going to ask you if they can have a cup. It’s up to you to pour out your “energy” tea. Set the intention that when you get to “just tip me over and pour me out” you will be releasing any energy that doesn’t serve you…and have fun with singing and acting out the song.