“Any time you acquiesce to someone else’s wishes, leaving your own in the dust, you give away some of your power. “
If you find yourself resenting someone because you gave in, you give away even more power than you gave away in the first place. When you make yourself less to make someone else feel more important, again you give away your power. Give it away often enough, you’ll start to feel like you’re running on empty. Depleted. Not giving much of a damn about anything.
With your intention, you can take back your power. Please know that it serves no one but you, by the way. You’re not doing anyone any favors by giving it away. It’s yours, pure and simple, and someone else is just babysitting it without benefit when you toss it their way. Important to note that, though there are times you really want to blame someone, no one can TAKE your power from you. You make the choice.
I tell people to take the stance they imagine someone of authority and power would use. Cop about to yell “freeze” or a lion tamer about to enter the tent…it’s up to you. But you want to go into this with no wishiwashiness, so the powerful stance to me encourages that.
You can make this into a long, complicated ritual if you’d like. You may have noticed I’m not big on long and complicated. Quick and dirty is more my style.
Just take that stance and say, “I am taking back my power from any person, place or situation I have left it. I welcome it back, knowing it returns to me pure and untainted from where it has been.”
You can imagine throwing open a window or French doors, something to open up to receiving back your power. If you can see at this point that you often shell it out to others, make it a point to close that window or door…and some of you may need a lock on it.